The aim of the El Greco 2014 Foundation is to commemorate the Fourth Centenary of the Death of the painter, on 7th April 1614 in Toledo, the city where he chose to live during the most fruitful years of his artistic career.
These commemorations must become a veritable city-wide project that makes Toledo a true European Cultural Capital in 2014, effectively recovering the status it enjoyed in El Greco's time. The results of our endeavours should also have a long-lasting impact, in which respect we should not be distracted by ephemeral measures, however stunning they might seem at first.
The Fourth Centenary must transcend the year 2014, enriching Toledo as a city and encouraging a wider awareness of El Greco and his work.
The staging of the Fourth Centenary commemorations will also offer Toledo the opportunity to present its exceptional cultural attractions, in renewed guise and based on a vocation of excellence, by means of a project based on the artistic potential of an artist of El Greco's considerable stature.
This project is open to collaborative measures on the part of other countries, as well as all and any contributions made by different sections of society that help to enrich the overall outcome.
The Greek of Toledo, as he was known in his own time, was an immigrant who never learned to master the Spanish language, who always signed his work with Greek characters and who maintained the nickname of his nation of origin.
Nevertheless, he became the most universal inhabitant of Toledo of all time and a veritable icon of the city's identity. The symbolic value of his achievements for men and women today transcends the genius of his art and even has an important social dimension.
His work fell into obscurity when he died, until it was rediscovered in the mid-nineteenth century, during a process of rehabilitation that reached its climax with the avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century, as reflected in the numerous works that are exhibited today in leading museums and collections around the world.
Since then, El Greco has been the subject of constant interest and attention, as witnessed by the numerous exhibitions that have been organised around his work.
However, Toledo has never paid homage to the artist in the way he undoubtedly deserves, which is somewhat surprising given that El Greco reached the summit of his artistic career in Toledo and because Toledo is the only place where his works are preserved at the original venues for which they were created.
With the help of all, together we shall make this exciting venture a reality.
Gregorio Marañón
President of the El Greco 2014 Foundation
Honorary Presidency
Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Spain
Gregorio Marañón y Bertrán de Lis. Marquis of Marañón*
Director Jesús Carrobles
General Coordinator Paloma Acuña
Board of Trustees
President of Castile-La Mancha María Dolores de Cospedal García
Minister of Education, Culture and Sport José Ignacio Wert Ortega
President of Castile-La Mancha Parliament Vicente Tirado Ochoa
Mayor of Toledo Emiliano García-Page Sánchez
Archbishop of Toledo Braulio Rodríguez Plaza
Secretary of State for Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport*José María Lassalle Ruiz
Counsellor of the Presidency and Public Administration of Castile-La Mancha*Leandro Esteban Villamor
Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of the Autonomous Governmemnt of Castile-La Mancha*Marcial Marín Hellín
Minister of finance of the Autonomous Government of Castile-La Mancha Arturo Romaní Sancho
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Culture and SportFernando Benzo Sáinz
President of the Provincial Council of Toledo*Arturo García Tizón
Director of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage and Archives and Libraries of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport* Miguel Ángel Recio
Toledo City Councillor of Education, Culture, Historical Heritage, Sport and Events Rosa Ana Rodríguez Pérez
Dean of Toledo Cathedral Juan Sánchez Rodríguez
Auxiliar Bishop of the Diocese of Toledo*Ángel Fernández Collado
Toledo City Council*Andrés Javier Ruedas
President of the Comunidad de Madrid Ignacio Gonzalez Gonzalez
Mayor of Madrid Ana María Botella Serrano
Director of the Royal Academy of History
Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando Antonio Bonet Correa
Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences of Toledo Ramón Sánchez González
President of the University of Castille-La Mancha Miguel Ángel Collado Yurrita
President of the Board of Trustees of the Museo del Prado José Pedro Pérez-Llorca
President of the Real Fundación Toledo Juan Ignacio de Mesa
President of the Spanish Cultural Action Abroad María Teresa Lizaranzu
President of Globalcaja Higinio Olivares Sevilla
President of Liberbank Manuel Menéndez
President of the Federation of Businessmen of Toledo Ángel Nicolás García
President of the Ducal House of Medinaceli Foundation Ignacio de Medina y Fernández de Córdoba, Duke of Segorbe
Chapel of San Jose Luis Fernando Londáiz y Mencos , Marqués de Eslava
Director of the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC Earl A. Powell III
Director of Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nueva York Thomas P. Campbell
President of the Spanish National Heritage José Rodríguez- Spiteri Palazuelo
Chief Executive Officer, Nestle Laurent Dereux
Secretary of the Board of Trustees María de los Reyes Escrig
*Members of the Executive Board
The commemoration of the Four Hundredth Anniversary of El Greco has been declared an event of exceptional public interest by Law 39/2010, dated 22nd December (Additional Provision 54)
In this respect, the Spanish Government has sought to promote the event by granting sponsors the maximum tax incentives available under Spanish law.
The management of sponsorship measures is carried out though a Consortium entrusted by the Fundación El Greco 2014, made up of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Spanish Ministry of Taxation and Public Administration, the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha, the Local Council of Toledo, the Provincial Council of Toledo.
Detailed information regarding support programmes for events of exceptional public interest can be found in Article 27 of Law 49/2002 Regarding the Tax Regime for Non-Profit-Making Bodies and Sponsorship, dated 23rd December, as well as in Royal Decree 1270/2003, dated 10th October.
El Greco 2014 Foundation has a working team specifically dedicated on the administration and fiscal management of the sponsorship.