Established in Tours (France) in the 80s, this company is directed by Philippe Freslon, and reflects his passion for the opera, adapting this musical genre to urban areas: along streets and squares, the show plays beteween reality and fiction, earth and universe, the popular and the traditional, the sacred and the profane.
Its creations in public spaces combine cricus, opera, contemporary art, dance and its monumental scenography. As a result of it, they have acted in many places of the world.
We will attend an original and unique show, created to celebrate the Year of El Greco, with the strong chromatism of the wheels, a modern and contemporary recreation of the painter´s palete by the streets of Toledo.
Living performance in 4 acts around el Greco and his work
Compagnie Off (Francia)
El Greco

Three spectacular parades starting from different points of the city will converge in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Date: November 1st
Blue parade: Calle del Ángel - Calle Santo Tomé - Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
Yellow parade: Plaza de Zocodover - Calle Comercio - Pza. del Ayuntamiento.
Red parade: Plaza de Padilla - Calle San Román – Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
Starts at 19 h