Opening event >
January 18th
Bells´ Concert, Llorenç Barber, 20 h
Fireworks, 20 h
Flamma Show >
January 25th, March 15th, April 12th and 26th,
September 27th, October 18th and November 15th
El Greco >
Living performance in 4 acts around El Greco and his work
Date to confirm
Site: Historic quarter of the city and Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 22 h
Rondando >
Pieces of new circus, theater, dance... by the streets of the city
May 2nd and 3rd
Site: Historic quarter of the city
Esencia >
June 7th
David Moreno Company
Site: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 22 h
Body Letter >
October 25th
Ziya Azazi - Parastou Forouhar
Site: San Pedro Mártir Cloister, 21,00 h
Live performance in 4 acts
around El Greco and his work>
November 1st
Compagnie OFF (France)
Site: Starting in 3 different points of the city and converging in the Plaza
del Ayuntamiento.
Starts at 19:00 h
Actors of Fire >
December 6th
Compagnie La Salamandre
Site: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 19 h

The commemoration of the Centenary will dress the streets of Toledo with shows specifically created for this ocassion. Performing arts will flow by the city inviting toledans and visitors to participate in an authentic fiesta of music, light, dance and colour.
From Flamma to Esencia, from the spectacular Wheels of Colours to the Actors of Fire, the Year of El Greco will also shine in the streets, sharing performances that will evoke the time and the places in which El Greco imagined and created his works.
PaseArte is a wide programme of performing arts, a part of this great tribute of Toledo to his painter.